Artwork Do's and Don'ts
Most of the advice we feature on our site has helped to inform you of what you should do when you're ordering your custom label bottled water. You'll also want to know things you shouldn't do when submitting a custom water bottle label design.
To make sure your artwork looks it's best and your order is processed without delay, please review the following:
- DO NOT supply raster images that are under 300dpi, website images are usually 72dpi, these will not produce a quality print.
- DO NOT supply images that belong to someone else.
- DO NOT use word processing software to create your label.
- DO NOT try to place a lot of text on your label.
- DO send us any collateral material for your label. We can scan items to ensure a quality design.
- DO provide detailed instructions about your design and what you would like to see on your label.
- DO provide an uneditable JPG or PDF of your design along with your workable artwork so we can see what your design concept should look like.
- DO provide ALL fonts with your artwork or outline the fonts to eliminate any problems.
- DO embedd all placed images into your file, or make sure you supply the images as well.
- DO review our artwork specs to make sure you follow our layout requirements.
If you have questions about your custom labeled water design, please see our Artwork Specs. |
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